ABC’s of Human Needs

      ABCLife United Association is a non-governmental, and non-profit organization in Canada, committed to serving communities with basic human needs, domestically and globally as well.

  • Vision: We envision a world where everyone enjoys all human needs.

  • Mission: Our mission to enhance quality of life for all and enable everyone enjoys basic human needs at least.

👇Need to Know👇

Canada Sponsorship Program

      Every year, millions of refugees are forced to flee their homes because of war, persecution or violence. Canada has a long tradition of welcoming refugees, and it has different programs to resettle refugees. In addition to the Government-Assisted Refugees (GAR) program and the Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVOR) program, Canadian citizens and permanent residents are also able to help refugees build a new life in Canada through the Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program.

The Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program allows Canadians to resettle specific individuals or families who qualify as refugees under Canada’s refugee and humanitarian program. Privately sponsored refugees are additional to those resettled by the Canadian government through other programs. Privately sponsored refugees are approved outside of Canada by Canadian visa officers and they become permanent residents upon arrival in Canada.

Private sponsors are groups of Canadians or organizations, including faith-based associations, ethnocultural groups or settlement organizations. They can sponsor refugees as members of one of the following three categories:

  • Groups of Five (G5): Five or more Canadian citizens or permanent residents with the financial and settlement capacity to fulfill sponsorship requirements who collectively arrange for the sponsorship of a refugee living abroad to welcome them in their community.

  • Community Sponsors: Organizations, associations or corporations located in the community where refugees will be resettled, with the financial and settlement capacity to fulfill sponsorship requirements. ABCLife as an example.

  • Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs): Incorporated organizations that have signed an agreement with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and assume overall responsibility for the management of sponsorships. SAHs can also authorize Constituent Groups (CGs) from the community to sponsor refugees under their agreement.

Get Involved

      Sponsors often commit to this process for refugees whose stories they have heard from friends, community members, relatives or overseas contacts. If you wish to sponsor a refugee through the Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program, you should first consider whether or not the person is eligible under the program.

Sponsoring groups are responsible for providing refugees with the settlement assistance, material and financial support necessary for the duration of the sponsorship period – usually up to one year from the date they arrive in Canada.

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The PSR program is strictly for sponsoring refugees and persons in refugee-like situations.

Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, persons who may qualify as refugees for Canada’s refugee and humanitarian resettlement program are grouped into 2 categories, or “classes”: Convention Refugees Abroad and Country of Asylum.
Sudanese refugees in Israel

Community Sponsor

An organization that decides to participate in refugee sponsorship and provides statements demonstrating the ability to meet the required financial obligations. Individual co-sponsors formally partnering with a CS who are contributing personal income towards the sponsorship must complete a personal Financial Profile Form (IMM 5373B). The sponsoring group must collectively complete a Sponsorship Undertaking and Settlement Plan – Community Sponsor (CS) Form (IMM 5663).

It's Personal

At ABCLife, we report with empathy and put people at the heart of every story. Read ABCLife Personal.